Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, 22 November through Wednesday, 24 November, 2010

Students will be able to:
use information from laboratory experiments and classroom discussion to
-investigate the role weathering plays in shaping/reshaping the earth.
-compare/contrast physical and chemical weathering.
-explain how chemical weathering affects the earth.
-share the findings of science fair projects.

The do now for all days will be FCAT transparencies, on energy.

On Monday, students completed and submitted the lab on chemical weathering.

There will be no class on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, students will take notes on chemical and mechanical weathering. They should also test their rocks to determine if they weather chemically or mechanically. They will also do the Glencoe online weathering activity.

Students will complete science fair presentations.

Students will write a diary entry, a newspaper article, a story, or draw a comic strip to explain how chemical and mechanical weathering changes rocks and the Earth's environment.